Journalist Jane Burgermeister warned of Covid in 2009
The fate of Jane Burgermeister is tough but she is on Twitter/X now: @BurgermeisterJM
Already in 2009, the journalist Jane Bürgermeister warned of a coming coronavirus pandemic. She also spoke of the threat of the globalists' plans of power grab and attempt on a new world order/world government (WHO and the UN) and that a virus will be used to make it happen. Where are we now? A well-versed physician on Twitter: "The clever thing globalist done is — until they can get total control of transactions — they're using health care as the way to build control. So, they don't have complete control of the financial system, and they don't want to be obvious that it's the financial system" @nycliusa (Twitter ID). The WHO is attempting that with their pandemic accord on health measures and societal control with the use of data and their attempt on forced vaccinations. She already spoke of bioweapons as injections being projected on an unknowing population (exactly what has happened during COVID-19 - The phenomenon behind the development of COVID-19 bioweapon injections is Targeted Individuals that have been illegally experimented on for decades. / Injecting people with nanotechnology for total control is the genocidal plan. TIs are just the testing ground.). She explained if we do not believe the hysteria created by the mainstream media everybody will be forced vaccinated (during COVID-19 propaganda techniques were unleashed on civilians/in Canada military leaders saw Covid 19 as a perfect opportunity to try it out/Recently in Germany Professor Stefan Homburg addressed the German Bundestag och criticized what happened in Germany during COVID-19 where public health officials and physicians were replaced by traffic planners and military to run the COVID-19 health measures). In this film below is an interview with Jane Burgermeister and a public speech in three parts she made back in 2009 exposing everything.
Interview Jane Burgermeister - Biowarfare Whistleblower (Covid-19 and Swine Flu)
There is more to be heard of Jane Burgermesiter, especially her warnings that exist on X as a three-part testimonial.
Part 1 Wake up from Covid: “Jane Bürgermeister had to endure big pressure after exposing Big Pharma and governments when they tried to pull off THE SAME SCAM in 2009. Maybe she helped to stop it then, or maybe it was just a rehearsal for this time around.”
Part 2 Wake up from Covid: “Jane’s research had to do with the fabricated nature of the pandemic. And she was right, as you can read later on. Still, she was fired from her job and had to defend herself from criminal charges, all of which she was obviously acquitted.”
Part 3 Wake up from Covid: “Her warnings might have seemed exaggerated at the time, but the jab programs came to a halt (and with them, the debate around forced V’s) after many developed chronic narcolepsy. Vaccines were thrown out; Big Pharma kept the money. Her words make as much sense now as then.”
Patientmakt COVID-19 Fascism - Official in Germany now!
Book to read by the physician Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg who at the time of the swine flu held a high position in the EU who stopped the swine flu pandemic declaration: False Pandemics: Arguments Against the Rule of Fear
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on Alex Jones: The false swine flu pandemic and the WHO cartel
More material / interviews with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population
Documentary Profiteers of Fear - The Business of Swine Flu
Childrens Health Defense False Pandemics With Dr. Meryl Nass + Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Trust WHO documentary - A damning investigation into the World Health Organization's hidden practices
Reiner Fuellmich interview with Calin Georgescu (Former president of the Club of Rome for Europe and Former Executive Director of the United Nations). Covid was planned for 2016. 2020 was supposed to be about a planned food and water disaster. Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director Călin Georgescu - Oligarchs own the U.N.
Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?
Food for thought:
Could we see Mike Yeadon as a Jane Burgermesiter on COVID-19 as he is a co-author of the English ICC appeal on COVID-19
What some COVID-19 planning looked like in the World:
World Economic Forum issues a white paper in conjunction with Harvard Global Heath, January 18, 2019, “Outbreak Readiness and Business Impact: Protecting Lives and Livelihoods across the Global Economy“, declaring epidemic outbreaks as great a business risk as “climate change”;
China’s new vaccine law, passed June 29, 2019, which mandates vaccinations for all starting on December 1, 2019 and modernizes vaccine production;
President Trump’s September 19, 2019 Executive Order on “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health”, which very similarly asserts the essential need for a rapid rollout of vaccines in the event of a zoonotic viral pandemic; and
Event 201, the much-noticed planning event coordinated by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Michael Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, also gamed a global “novel zoonotic coronavirus” pandemic “modeled on SARS” killing 65 million people, issuing recommendations on how corporations could “help” in such a crisis. Although the gamed Event 201 pandemic was to occur in South America, one of the players in this event was from the Chinese Centers for Disease Control with no South American representatives in attendance.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ statements and Gates Foundation activities throughout an extended period of time, including a 2013 Netflix documentary called “The Next Pandemic”. Is it not uncoincidental that Gates just “stepped down” from leadership of Microsoft to focus on his vaccine-focused “philanthropic initiatives”. Gates, together with help from Amazon, launched the Seattle Corona Assessment Network (SCAN), which is sending at-home corona tests to Seattle residents. SCAN is “an outgrowth of the Seattle Flu Study, which has been using genetic analysis to track the spread of infectious diseases for more than a year”, according to GeekWire. They are now “offering” nasal swabs to area residents, just as the Gates organization has taken human samples elsewhere in the world…” 2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown
She was THE FIRST to warn the world. She went to FBI. They did nothing. She became a target. Later a New York reporter Harry Vox joined the chorus.
Please do not conflate the issue of targeted individuals with Covid19. These vaccines were not even tested before release. Targeted individuals have BRAIN MESH, bluetooths and other DEVICES AND MATERIALS IN THEM ACTIVATED VIA 5G, compressed gasses, dews. To lump covid19 with TIs is to give the psychopaths at Darpa/MIT/Harvard/Wef cover for atrocities against TIs. To lump Tis into Covid stories is to subsume a hidden holocaust involving desecration and violation of citizens’ brains and bodies. Fyi, Katherine Horton, her husband and Targeted Justice are controlled opposition. Look beyond these players used to capture and direct narrative.